Is it safe to buy color or other contacts online?

Buy Colored Contacts Online
This is a question that most have when thinking of buying color contacts online (or anything) and it's no wonder because internet seems to be full of scams nowadays. Answer to this question is "yes" and "no", it depends on where you will buy them from. There are online stores that you can absolutely trust and then there are those which deserve a second look.

How do you then know which to trust and which not to?
One good thing to do is to search (using Google, Yahoo or some other search engine) using the name of the store as the keyword (and maybe adding "good" or "bad" after the store's name) to see if others have written something about it (recommending it or saying it's a scam).
Then you should check their website (where you will do your shopping) to see if the legal stuff seems okay and if they've explained all the information you need (i.e. check their 'Terms of Use Agreement').
You should also check what kind of payment method they use so that it will safe for you to pay (since you're most likely paying using a credit card). Most proper online shops use PayPal and it's highly trusted.

Why are the prices much lower online than at my local contact lense store?
Well it's not because they're lower quality (they most likely use them contact lenses as that local store of yours uses), it's just because they can sell them much cheaper because they don't have so many expenses as normal stores and they have to sell them cheap to be able to compete with other online stores.

I've said this in my other posts often as well, but I can recommend you to use Coco Contacts if you're going to buy color contacts, it's safe (of course you can use those methods I told you earlier to check if it is trustworthy).

- Janette

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