Like there many different color contact lenses to wear, there are also different people to wear them. There are those who already have a good vision want to use colored contacts only for cosmetic reasons and don't actually need the contact lenses to have any corrective effects. If you are one of those whp don't need any correction to their vision, but want to use color contacts, there is the option to choose non-prescription colored contacts. The only difference between the contacts that you need a prescription to get and the ones that you can get without prescription, is the corrective effect (and the lack of) they have on your vision (if you're nearsighted or farsighted).
You can get more information at a online shop called Coco Contacts of which you can hear me often talking about because it's the shop that I mostly (and currently the only store) that I use.
Even though you don't actually have to see an eye doctor to get yourself a pair of non-prescription colored contact lenses, it is strongly recommended for you to visit one in order to make sure that you know what type of lenses are good for your eye and what could possibly be bad. Check this site for more information on all the different materials.
You can usually get regular color contacts either non-prescription or with a prescription, but you can get crazy/halloween/theatrical contacts only as non-prescription since they are made to be used only for cosmetic reasons and not for regular everyday use.
So, if you have good vision and don't need any correction to your vision and just want to enhance your eye color, you need to get non-prescription contacts. If you need some correction to your sight, you need to visit an eye doctor to get a prescription to get color contact lenses. If you haven't worn contact lenses before, you are recommended to visit an eye doctor regardless of if you're going to get non-prescription or with a prescription.
You can buy colored contacts at Coco Contacts, it's a online store that you should definitely visit.
- Janette
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